31 March 2006

How long, O Lord, how long?

How long will the denial of genocide be allowed to continue?

I used to want to spread the truth about the Armenian Genocide of 1915 because of the stories of people like my great-grandmother. I still do. But now I think it's even more important because it is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. People must be held accountable for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

If you have 18 minutes, check out this interview with Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish writer who has suffered the wrath of Turkey's nationalist government for speaking out about the Armenian Genocide. The comments by the Turkish lawyer also interviewed are scary and downright sickening.


another great site with lots of Genocide info:

I think I'll be blogging about this a lot in the next month or so, as April 24 is the day of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

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