08 February 2007

Every time I start being diligent about posting here, something happens and I start slacking. Sometimes it's laziness, sometimes it's forgetfulness, and sometimes it's because I have nothing to say. I also didn't think anybody read this thing until 2 people recently said to me that they've been enjoying keeping up with me through my blog. So for those 2 people, and maybe for a few more, I will do my best to keep up.

I realized something recently that I can only talk about in a somewhat cryptic manner because, as we all know, whatever you put in writing can come back to haunt you. Those who know me well, though, don't need code language. You know where my struggles have been and you know where my passions lie. You have most likely heard me talk about it ad nauseum. One friend of mine in particular has listened to me talk about it more than probably anyone else, and she officially has been granted permission to kick my ass in 5 years if I'm still in the same place. What jarred me, though, is that I slowly feel myself moving toward action, finally. Not anything big. I'm starting with the mindset. In some ways, that's the biggest challenge.

It all comes down to where your heart is... and where your home is.

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