16 May 2008

Red flag alert: 2 more red flags have gone up over things I've seen recently on TV that are, frankly, scaring the crap out of me.

One is this commercial:

We have now taken the superwoman mom/housewife/working woman to the next level. Notice Kelly Ripa does it ALL! Cooks dinner, feeds the dog, hosts a sleepover, tosses the kids their gummy worms, entertains a houseful of guests, looks for monsters under the bed with the kids... all after running home after a day at her high-profile job. One question: WHERE IS HER HUSBAND IN ALL THIS?

Two is the TV show "Samantha Who." The main character, Samantha, has two friends, both of whom are so typecast and stereotypical that they aren't enjoyable in the least. One is so shallow that she isn't believable as a human being, and the other is the stereotyped "fat girl." This is scaring me. She is dorky, shy, awkward, naive and gullible, desperate for friends, and unintelligent. Sort of the stereotypical portrayal of the "fat kid" in a TV show from 20 years ago. It makes me want to vomit, frankly, that in this day and age, television is STILL portraying overweight women as socially, intellectually, and romantically inept.

I am scared shitless. I am scared that we live in a country where women's value and worth as HUMAN BEINGS is in the middle of a landslide of epic proportions. Instead of seeing more examples of successful, intelligent women of all shapes and sizes, and instead of seeing women and men working side by side together in partnership, we are seeing more and more advertising showing women in roles we have been fighting against since the birth of feminism. Feminism has worked so hard to remind people that women's worth cannot be reduced to roles of homemaker and vixen, but if we look at advertising today, those are the only traits that seem to be desirable in women anymore. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

1 comment:

Traci said...

It's good to see you blogging again! I completely agree with the first commercial. That thing scared the crap out of me, too. If you listen closely, the music that they use is a total throwback to the 1950s. Yes, women, here's your goal: maintain a high powered job, come home, entertain everyone, take care of the dog and the kids, and do it all while being a size two and having perfect hair and make up! Impossible? Not with eletrolux. Ugh. As for samantha who, i've never seen it, but i'll take your word for it.