30 July 2007


28 July 2007

I have a renewed hatred of airlines.

Tbere aren't many people or things I truly hate with every fibre of my being. However, airlines top the very short list.

Need I explain why? Need I explain how awful the experience of traveling by air has become? Need I explain the abysmal treatment consumers receive from TSA officials, airline attendants, and all airport staff? Need I explain the sense of dread one feels when approaching the airport, wondering how long the line will be this time, how long the delay, how uninformed the staff?

I think Michael Moore's next documentary should be on the airline industry. Someone needs to uncover and display their dirty laundry - their customer service policies, their unethical procedures, and how they seem to remain the only business that has gotten away with treating their customers like cow dung while still charging them a small fortune.

I hate airlines.

23 July 2007


i know something you don't...

and if i wasn't such a prat, i'd just tell you.

Where have I been?

After a thrilling week in England back in May, I came back to a busy month at the office preparing for the summer. Now, I'm at... of all places for someone in her late 20's... CAMP. For 7 weeks.

I'll try to be better about this blog, I swear.